Chapter 30

Diana’s pov

The car race was actually a mountain rally.

The real venue was the winding mountain path behind the Galaxy Center Building, But in order to let everyone have a great time, the organizers specially rented the entire Galaxy Center to hold a grand opening party,

And in the center of the grandstand on the first floor of the Galaxy Center, the sapphire brooch watched by dozens of bodyguards was the first prize of this race. “How beautiful!” Although I had seen many rare treasures, I couldn’t help but sigh when I saw this brooch.

“Of course, it is a work of the world’s top jewelry designer Nora Stern, with a rough estimate value of 50 million,” Victor explained.

“Nora?” I was a bit surprised. “You said this was her work?”

Victor smiled slightly and said, “I didn’t expect that the little girl who used to follow you every day achieved so much now.”

It couldn’t be said that I didn’t expect it. I have always believed that Nora could achieve her dream.

I just suddenly felt a little emotional.

In these three years, everyone has been getting better and better.

Only me… wasted my time in the so–called love.

However, I was still very happy to hear about Nora’s current achievements.

“I remember your birthday is in next month.” I lightly bumped Victor’s arm.

Victor nodded.

“Look, that sapphire brooch will be my birthday gift for you.”

Victor paused for a moment and said gently, “Then I’ll thank you in advance.”

I smiled and said, “Are you so sure that I will win the first prize?”

“Otherwise?” Victor looked more confident than me as he touched my head. “In my eyes, you will always be the No.1.”

His tone was so serious that when I stared into his eyes, I could hardly resist.

I quickly averted my gaze and disguised my embarrassment with a teasing expression, “Don’t be so disgusting.”

Victor didn’t say anything more, just smiled with me.

But suddenly, his gaze paused, and the smile in his eyes gradually faded.

I found him staring at something without blinking, his face gradually showing irritability.

“Why are we so unlucky?” Victor muttered, “How could we meet these two people everywhere? Isn’t it that Avia has some mental illnesses? Isn’t Alpha Nathan afraid of scaring her on this occasion?”

looked back.

and Avia were walking


expression on

only glanced at them and

feel unpleasant, let’s go somewhere else,” I said

around, a

in her hand. And they was

girl was startled and quickly bent

sorry. I was in a hurry. I

I –”

to tell the girl not to be afraid, she started

didn’t mean it, please

and continuous slapping quickly attracted onlookers around her.

a female voice suddenly sounded, questioning

just accidentally bumped into you, you don’t need to punish

direction of the sound, I met

hid behind Nathan,

help that maid. Can you persuade Diana not to punish


of being narrow–minded

seeing this, Victor took a step forward and tried to explain something for me, but I grabbed him

“No need.”

my head

the next second, I felt a cold

Only he could make people

lies and felt that I was malicious.

ignored his gaze and turned my head to look at the maid who was

ask you to hit



neither admitting nor denying.

she beat herself? Diana, although you’re Alpha Marc’s


Diana! Save that maid. Otherwise, she will be tortured to death by Diana!” Avia looked anxious and continued to add, “I didn’t expect Diana

did not argue with me as Avia had hoped, but instead remained silent and stared

guess what he was thinking. I looked at the maid who slandered me and took out my phone from my pocket.

I have recorded everything

maid’s face turned pale in an instant, her

I smiled.

everyone. Otherwise, when I reveal the truth, you’ll be charged with slandering Alpha’s sister. Oh, by the way, do


the ground

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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